Each Sweed product is unique with years of development and sourcing behind. We work with the most trusted factories worldwide, specialists in their niche. We always start from scratch, formulating supreme functionality and quality for each and every product category with carefully sourced raw materials that meet our clean standards. Learn more about our skincare infused makeup with science backed ingredients.

We are tired of seeing perfect pictures of faces and skin that doesn’t meet real expectations. We don’t retouch our photos since we believe skin should look like skin and an image can only be trusted if it shows real results.
Each Sweed product is unique with years of development and sourcing behind. We work with the most trusted factories worldwide, specialists in their niche. We always start from scratch, formulating supreme functionality and quality for each and every product with carefully sourced raw materials that meet our clean standards. Learn more about our skincare infused makeup with science backed ingredients.

The incredible before and after images you see online with Sweed products are organic and posted by happy customers. We let our results speak for themselves. We haven’t paid for the content and we don’t edit any images.